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Back To The Future
What days, What hours, What music

Here is what you can hear on the show.
The days of the show and the hours.
Each part of the week is made by a different editor, so you get to hear all kind of tastes and flavors!

Production and presentation by Yaron Menashe.
Music selected and edited by Dan Shafir.
Wednesdays editing and presentation by Esti Silfan.

Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays
23:00 to 1:00

music editor:
Dan Shafir

To tell you the truth, you can never know what is going to be on Dan's editing, as the range on selection is wide and large.
Music styles like Chillout, Acid Jazz, Dub, NU Jazz, Break Beat, Hip Hop, Funk, Soul, Body'n'soul, Drum'n'Bass, Big Beat, Abstract, Groove, Indian Jazz, Ambient and Latin is only part of what you might hear, so stay tuned.

23:00 to 1:00

music editor:
Esti Silfan

Esti's editing mixes lots of Breakbeat, lots of stuff from France like France House and Electro and also Dub, Latin, and Dance.
Don't miss those hit shows!

what do you see?

00:00 to 1:00

music editor:
Dan Shafir

The Funk and Groove night, lots of cool stuff to make you move around and shake your behinds!!

S-T on the mix...

88FM is broadcasting on the next channels:

88FM - Tel Aviv, the center and the south.
89.5FM - North.
Also on the cabels and the satellite.

2002 back to the future ©
Site by Shay Peleg